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Investing in women rangers

For strong Indigenous women, equitably engaged in caring for Country.

Globally, research shows that greater involvement of women in local decision-making leads to better natural resource management. Evidence also shows that Indigenous ranger jobs in remote Australia significantly improve health and wellbeing, increase pride and sense of self, and provide unique training and upskilling opportunities. Dedicated women’s ranger programs allow First Nations women to work alongside men, while ensuring that their role is flexible and culturally appropriate. First Nations women often have exclusive access to certain places and hold very specific ecological knowledge. Strong and engaged women rangers apply this knowledge to land management and ensure it is passed down.

Gender inequalities remain deep-rooted in every society. This is visible in women’s lack of access to decent work, education and health care, in gender wage gaps, in poor representation in decision-making and high instances of violence against women. Australia performs particularly poorly on women’s economic participation and opportunity and political empowerment. This gap becomes even more pronounced with the additional barriers faced by remote First Nations women. In 2015, women accounted for only around 20 per cent of part- and full-time ranger positions in Australia - which is the main form of employment in many remote areas. Support is needed to ensure the contributions of First Nations women are valued, and they have equal and meaningful opportunities on their ancestral lands.

The Karrkad Kanjdji Trust supports our partner organisations to establish and grow their women’s ranger programs. This not only provides unique employment and leadership opportunities in remote communities, but it also ensures the intergenerational transfer of knowledge amongst women so that Country can be cared for in the most comprehensive way.

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